
Keeping It Simple

We want to keep tagging simple within SkySaver, within this page we will provide examples of how Tagging works, and how the standard Key/Value relationship of Tag:ScheduleName works within our portal and your AWS account.


The following is in relation to the Key:Value relationship of Tags in an AWS account.

  • Tag: In SkySaver, a Tag represents the name assigned as the Key in a resource’s tag within AWS.
  • Schedule Name: In SkySaver, a Schedule Name represents the name assigned as the Value in a resource’s tag within AWS.

Ex: Below we have an ec2 resource. Within the SkySaver portal, our assigned Tag for the AWS account is SkySaverSchedule and we have created a schedule named ec2-est-business-hours. To enact this schedule onto our resource we have added a Tag to the resource with the Key, SkySaverSchedule, and the Value, ec2-est-business-hours. Doing so is all that is needed for SkySaver to start automating the resource according to the schedule.

Tagging Example Tagging Example

Common Usage

Within SkySaver we accept 1 Tag per AWS account, we have 1 Default Tag per Project, and our Schedule Names can be applied to any attached AWS account. This means that if you have a central Project which has dozens or hundreds of AWS accounts attached to it, you can either keep the Tag for each AWS account the same, and easily apply schedules to them across accounts and regions, or you can create a different tag for some or every single account and granularly control the Tag:Schedule name relationship throughout your organizations AWS accounts. You can even then add multiple projects for futher granular control if desired.

The easiest route is to have 1 Default Tag under 1 Project, and then to have that same tag be utilized throughout all accounts attached to the project. We recommend the Tag include SkySaver in some fashion for ease of organization. This way on any resource you can easily create a new Tag, give the Key: SkySaverTag and the Value: Schedule Name and be confident that your resource is now automatically managed according to your designed schedule.

Project Settings

The Default Tag within your Project Settings/Defaults tab is the Default Tag that will be auto populated for any AWS Accounts added within the current project under your SkySaver Portal. If you create multiple projects, you can still utilize the same Default Tag if desired.

Accounts Settings

Within the SkySaver portal, under Accounts/Manage you can edit the Tag that is associated with the specified AWS Account. This means you will need to tag any resource within that AWS account that you want to schedule. SkySaver will ignore untagged resources to ensure that schedules are intentionally applied. This prevents accidental scheduling and guarantees that only designated resources are affected, giving users confidence that unscheduled resources remain untouched.