
Base Period Base Period


The start time for the period. If End is specified then Start must be before End.

If no End time specified, this would default the End time to be 23:59.

Valid values are 00:00 - 23:59


The end time for the period. Must be after the Start time if Start time is specified.

If no Start time specified, setting this value will cause the schedule to only be changes to the default/off state after the end time. No modifications would happen before the end time unless there’s another period.

Valid values are 00:00 - 23:59


The days the schedule will operate on.

Important things to keep in mind

You can only specify times for the days selected, from the perspective of each of those days. So if you wanted to start an EC2 instance at 10:00 on monday and then stop at 08:00 on tuesday, you cannot do that with one period, and instead would use 2.

The following two periods would accomplish this:

  • Start @ 10:00, no End time set, Days would be mon
  • no Start time, End @ 08:00, Days would be tue
Resource Specific Data

The resource specific data helps detail what actions are taken when a period is active