Below you will see examples for Tagging, along with examples and descriptions for creating schedules on all supported SkySaver Resources.
Tagging Example
Once you have created a schedule, the Schedule Name such as ec2-demo-schedule
is the value you will utilize for the SkySaver tag on your AWS resources.
For Example, if your Default Tag under your Project Settings -> Defaults is SkySaverSchedule, and if you are wanting to assign the ec2-demo-schedule
schedule to an EC2 instance. Then navigate to that EC2 instance, head to Tags, Manage Tags, Add Mew Tag. and enter
Key: SkySaverSchedule
Value: ec2-demo-schedule
After saving your new tag, SkySaver will know to include that resource in the scheduling engine. Well done, you’re now optimizing your resources with SkySaver! If you have any questions on tagging head over to tagging, and if you have any questions on the Periods then head over to Periods
Scheduling Examples
Ensure you’ve looked at the following pages for any specifics around each resource and schedule actions that can be taken:
For Default Settings within your Schedules see: Schedule Types
For Period Specific Settings within your Schedules see: Period Resource Specific Data
EC2 and Basic Usage Examples
Schedule your EC2 resources with SkySaver to ensure that you do not have idle resources wasting billing hours throughout your companies AWS accounts. Having test instances only running during certain hours, down scaling instances over weekends, setting active business or office hours for instances, all of these and many more are possible. You can create as many or as few schedules as needed, and can easily implement them with tags. All times within SkySaver are in 24-hour clock format, with 00:00 being midnight and 23:59 being one minute before midnight.
Sample Pacific Standard Time Office Hours Schedule: The following sample will go from 7am to 5pm PST monday through friday.
Sample Overnight Schedule: The following sample will go from 5pm to 7am the following morning each day of the week.
Sample Always On Instance Type Change Schedule: This is a more complex schedule where the Instance will always be on, but is scheduled to be a t2.nano outside of 8pm to 5pm and is scheduled to be a t2.micro within the 8 to 5 period.
Lambda Example
The following sample is for an 8am to 5pm workday where a user wants the Lambda to have 5 Reserved Concurrency during the workday, and 1 Reserved Concurrency outside of work hours.
RDS Example
The following sample is for RDS being set to always on with an increase of size during work hours.
The following sampleis for RDS being turned off outside of business hours, during hours it will keep previously defined settings for instance type, min ACU and max ACU.
Auto Scaling Groups Example
The following sample is for Auto Scaling Groups to be increased during the weekend for a weekend oriented company. The Default is set, so outside of the set weekend period, the Desired will be 1, Min, 2, and Max 4.