Add AWS Accounts
NOTE: For first time users we suggest adding the necessary permissions to your accounts before adding the accounts to the project so there are less steps. Please review Account Setup. After completion please return here and follow below.
This scheduler can monitor multiple AWS accounts at a single time.
Adding Accounts
In order to add additional AWS accounts to your project, navigate to the Add Account section
Note If you are adding your first account, check under Accounts/Manage. If you subscribed to our tool via AWS Marketplace, the AWS > Account tied to the purchase will already be added. If so, you can continue the initial walkthrough on the Getting Started page under > Configuring your first project.
On this page, click the Add another account
button, this will add another input field where you can provide an additional AWS account ID
After you have added in the account IDs you want to have the system monitor, click the submit button.
Once the accounts have been aded to your project, they will inherit the project defaults configured in the project details in the Getting Started article.
Account Setup
You need to make sure the accounts are configured before the system will be able to perform any actions on them. Please review the AWS Account Setup article.